Frederique Constant Smartwatch Vitality


Frederique Constant Vitality

Hot on the heels of the Hublot Big Bang e comes the Frederique Constant Smartwatch Vitality. It’s a hybrid: a quartz analogue timepiece with a “magic” digital display at the six. Cute! But this dog won’t hunt. Which isn’t surprising, considering its bloodline . . .

Frederique Constant original Horological Smartwatch

Frederique Constant’s first hybrid smartwatch debuted in 2015. The Horological Smartwatch monitored steps, tracked sleep and provided basic notifications.

The information was transferred, analyzed and controlled by a bespoke phone app, synced with the watch (via Bluetooth) by pressing the crown. The hands’ position indicated steps, sleep and the existence of a notification.

As anyone who’s even seen an Apple Watch can imagine, the FCHS was a flop. It hit the streets for an inconceivable $995. Five years later, you can pick one up for $339.

Frederique Constant Horological Smartwatch v2

In 2016, Frederique Constant updated their Horological Smartwatch, adding a subdial and two more hands.

The Gents Classic Horological Smartwatch is still on FC’s website for $1295, available elsewhere for $495.

Not to put too fine a point on it, the updated Horological Smartwatch joins its predecessor’s journey to the scrapheap of horological history.

Blue Smartwatch Vitality

Enter the 2020 Frederique Constant Smartwatch Vitality. Vitality because the hybrid smartwatch includes a Philips Wearable Sensing heart rate monitor.

According to, 64 beats per minute resting is 5.9% slower than the typical adult average of 73 bpm for both sexes. If FC sending a subtle message that the Smartwatch Vitality isn’t all that exciting? Or is someone in the PR department a Beatles’ fan?

Black dial FC SV

Either way, the Smartwatch Vitality HR monitor is hardly a compelling sales proposition. Click here for six smart watches featuring up-to-date heart rate monitors, priced from $88 to $400.

In fact, smartwatches have had HR monitoring since Medieval times. Today’s smartwatch makers are busy adding to a wide range of health-related functions that save wearers’ lives.

Frederique Constant heart rate monitor

Old tech in a high tech world. How can Frederique Constant even begin to sell this thing? Here’s their PR peeps’ pitch:

When pressing the crown, the dial reveals a digital display on its lower part that allows the user to access numerous information like the heart rate, the activity tracker, a second time zone and even the last five messages from your favourite apps, among other things. 

Frederique Constant Smartwatch Vitality Pair 3

What favorite apps? Among other things? What things? 

There’s a second time zone and a stopwatch function. But that leaves hundreds of “things” the FC Smartwatch Vitality can’t do that an Apple Watch and any other “proper” smartwatch can. Including an always-on display.

Don’t get me wrong. I get it. The Frederique Constant Smartwatch Vitality is a classic Swiss watch first, a crap smartwatch second. Only a classic Swiss watch doesn’t become obsolete. A smartwatch – especially a hybrid – does.

Judging from Frederique Constant’s video, the Smartwatch Vitality is aimed at women. Really? There’s only one market for the Vitality with any real potential: old people intimidated by smartwatches who want a smartwatch. The same folks who buy one of those dumbed down, big number flip phones.

Runabout Automatic Chronograph Men's Watch

I feel sorry for Frederique Constant. discounts on FC’s traditional timepieces tell us their brand is weak. Their hybrid smartwatch tells us that their lack of vitality is terminal.

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