Sinn HUNTING WATCH Explained


What up with Germans and caps lock? Why does Sinn call their Modell 3006 the Sinn HUNTING WATCH instead of the Sinn Hunting Watch? For the same reason it’s GLOCK not Glock, I suppose. A relevant reference. The little lollipop-like thingie at the Sinn 3006’s six o’clock position is for helping the watch wearer shoot mammals. Legally. At night. In Germany.

Germany has a word for its hunting gestalt: waidgerecht. Roughly translated it means fair play. To paraphrase John Lennon, all they are saying, is game a chance. A chance not to be shot, skinned and eaten. German hunting laws are both PETA and PITA, full of caveats the authorities are only to happy to enforce. The Sinn HUNTING WATCH is designed to keep German hunters from getting an unfair advantage over their prey. No seriously.

Keep in mind that the average German can’t hunt; the licensing costs and procedure is positively Kafkaesque.  More to the point, Germany reckons no one needs to hunt. So it’s a sport, ja?

Using an artificial light source to shoot animals at night – never mind infrared and night vision gear – is not considered sporting. It’s strictly verboten. Which leaves German night hunters with one light source: moonlight.

The Sinn HUNTING WATCH on wrist

Ah, but there has to be ENOUGH moonlight. Otherwise, you are not shooting safely. (DO NOT MENTION ARTIFICIAL LIGHT SOURCES AGAIN!) When the Sinn watch’s moon icon falls within that little yoke, you’re good to shoot game. At night. In Germany. Assuming there aren’t any clouds obscuring the moon when you pull the trigger.

How great is that? Pretty great — if you like tool watches with complications you don’t need and will never use [see: Jaeger-LeCoultre Master Compressor Diving Pro Geographic Navy SEALs]. Unless you consider explaining why the $3k Sinn HUNTING WATCH 3006 has a “moonlight indicator” a good use of your time. It was for me . . .


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